Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




The Challenge and Dilemma of Charting a Course to Constitutionally Protect the Severely Mentally Ill Capital Defendant from the Death Penalty, Lyn Entzeroth
44 Akron L. Rev. 529 (2011).


Constituting Politics and the Political Constitution, Leslie Friedman Goldstein
47 Tulsa L. Rev. 177 (2011).


Beyond Chalk and Talk: The Law Classroom of the Future, Oren R. Griffin and Karen J. Sneddon
Timothy W. Floyd, Oren R. Griffin & Karen J. Sneddon, Beyond Chalk and Talk: The Law Classroom of the Future, 38 OHIO N.U. L. REV. 257 (2011).


Efficient Contracting Between Foreign Investors and Host States: Evidence from Stabilization Clauses, Sam Halabi
31 Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus. 261 (2011).


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010: Rulemaking in the Shadow of Incentive-Based Regulation, Sam Halabi
38 Rutgers L. Rec. 141 (2011).


Racist Appearance Standards and the Enhancements that Love Them: Norman Daniels and Skin-Lightening Cosmetics, Matt Lamkin
Bioethics, Vol. 25, Issue 4, pp. 185-191, 2011.


The Rise and Impending Fall of Diagnosis as a Marker of Difference, Matt Lamkin
American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, December 2011, Volume 13, Number 12: 896-899.


The Case for Differential Discounting: How a Small Rate Change Could Help Agencies Save More Lives and Make More Sense, Melissa Luttrell
3 Wm. & Mary Pol’y Rev. 80 (2011).


Rethinking Indirect Victim Eligibility for U Non-Immigrant Visas to Better Protect Immigrant Families and Communities, Elizabeth McCormick
22 Stan. L. & Pol’y Rev. 587 (2011).


Conjunctive Management of Reservation Water Resources: Legal Issues Facing Indian Tribes, Judith Royster
47 Idaho L. Rev. 255 (2011).

Water, Legal Rights, and Actual Consequences: The Story of Winters v. United States, Judith Royster
chapter in Indian Law Stories, (Foundation Press 2011).

“Tres mitos para envejecimiento de los copyrights: Titono, Dorian Gray, Ulises”, Robert Spoo
in Funcion Lenguaje: Revista Multidisciplinar, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Madrid Creative Writing School, Fall 2011): 11-38. [Spanish translation, by Iris Bernal and Ernesto Bottini, of Three Myths for Aging Copyrights: Tithonus, Dorian Gray, Ulysses. Specially requested for inaugural issue of journal.]


Combating the Teleological Drift of Life Insurance Solvency Regulation: The Case for a Meta-Risk Management Approach to Principles-Based Reserving, Robert Weber
8 Berkeley Bus. L.J. 35 (2011).



The Effects of State Laws and Regulations on the Development of Renewable Sources of Electric Energy, Gary Allison and John L. Williams
Resources for the Future


It's Deja Vu All over Again: Using Bounty Hunters to Leverage Gatekeeper Duties, Tom Arnold
45 Tulsa L. Rev. 419 (2010).


Governance, Technology, and the Search for Modernity in Kenya, Warigia M. Bowman
Warigia Bowman, Governance, Technology, and the Search for Modernity in Kenya, 1 WM. & MARY POL'y REV. 87 (2010).


David R. Dow, The Autobiography of an Execution (2010), Lyn Entzeroth
38 J. Psychiatry & L. 619 (2010) (book review).

John York ed., Against the Death Penalty: International Initiatives and Implications (2010), Lyn Entzeroth
22 Amicus J. 31 (2010) (book review).

The Bosnian Women, Sam Halabi
in An Ethical Compass (Elie Wiesel ed. Yale 2010)


The World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: an Analysis of Guidelines Adopted by the Conference of the Parties, Sam Halabi
39 Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 121 (2010).


The Expansion of Defense Counsel Liability to Include Malpractice Claims by Insurance Companies: How the West Was Won, Johnny Parker
46 Tort, Trial & Ins. Prac. L.J. 33 (2010).


Citizens United and the Threat to the Regulatory State, Tamara Piety
109 Mich. L. Rev. First Impressions 16 (2010).

Indian Water and the Federal Trust: Some Proposals for Federal Action, Judith Royster
appearing in Water Rights: Enforcement Impediments, ed. L Lakshmi (2009-10).

Ezra Pound, Legislator: Perpetual Copyright and Unfair Competition with the Dead, Robert Spoo
in Modernism and Copyright, ed. Paul K. Saint-Amour (Oxford University Press, 2010).

Law, Robert Spoo
in Ezra Pound in Context, ed. Ira B. Nadel (Cambridge University Press, 2010).