"Governance, Technology, and the Search for Modernity in Kenya" by Warigia M. Bowman

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William & Mary Policy Law Review


An ICT policy that produces broad access quickly is better than one that does not. Accordingly, success in ICT policymaking can be measured by three empirical measures: speed of passage, scope of implementation, and distribution, as well as one normative measure, process. "Process" represents an important normative dimension of ICT policymaking. Process measures the extent to which the ICT policymaking involves the citizenry, as represented by individuals, civil society groups, local private sector groups, and ideally, urban and rural residents ("wananchi "). Kenya is a case of slow speed of passage, low scope of implementation, low distribution, but high process. The political history of Kenya's ICT policymaking explains why this county, with such capable people and relatively open ICT policymaking, has struggled to keep up with its poorer neighbors.
