Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




The Uncoordinated Public Domain, Robert Spoo
49 U.C.D. L. Rev. 843 (2016).


Do the Property Law Principles of a Personal "Benefit" Affecting the Runnability of a "Burden" and the Rule Against Perpetuities Redner Unenforceable Promises to Pay Money When Transferrred Land is Used for Specified Energy Activities?, Rex Zedalis
51 Tulsa L. Rev. 759 (2016).


Do the Property Law Principles of a Personal "Benefit" Affecting the Runnability of a "Burden" and the Rule Against Perpetuities Render Unenforceable Promises to Pay Money When Transferred Land is Used for Specified Energy Activities?, Rex Zedalis
51 Tulsa L. Rev. 759 (2016).



Tort Reform and Jury Instructions, Charles W. Adams
86 Okla. B.J. 821 (2015).


The Irrelevance of Prisoner Fault for Excessively Delayed Executions, Russell Christopher
72 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 3 (2015).


Norms, Attitudes and Compliance, Stephen R. Galoob and Adam Hill
50 Tulsa L. Rev. 613 (2015).


Obstacles to pH1N1 Vaccine Availability: the Complex Contracting Relationship between Vaccine Manufacturers, WHO, Donor and Beneficiary Governments, Sam Halabi
in The Public Health Response to 2009 H1N1 (Michael Stoto and Melissa Higdon eds., Oxford Univ. Press 2015).


Selling Hospice, Sam Halabi
42 J.L. Med. & Ethics 442 (2014).


The Codex Alimentarius Commission, Corporate Influence, and International Trade: A Perspective on FDA’s Global Role, Sam Halabi
41 Am. J.L. & Med. 406 (2015).


Understanding the Judicial Conference Committee on International Judicial Relations, Sam Halabi
99 Marq. L. Rev. 239 (2015).


Veil-Piercing’s Procedure, Sam Halabi
67 Rutgers L. Rev. 1001 (2015).


Sharing the Burden of Ebola Vaccine Related Adverse Events, Sam Halabi and John T. Monahan
24 Tul. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 131 (2015).

Beyond Expert Witnessing - The Necessity of Interdisciplinary Practice in Sexual Violence Asylum Claims, Miriam H. Marton
Beyond Expert Witnessing – The Necessity of Interdisciplinary Practice in Sexual Violence Asylum Claims, in Adjudicating Refugee and Asylum Status: The Role of Witness, Expertise, and Testimony (Benjamin N. Lawrance and Galya Ruffer eds., Cambridge University Press 2015).

Oklahoma, Elizabeth M. McCormick
"Oklahoma" appearing in Contemporary Immigration in America: A State-by-State Encyclopedia (Kathleen R. Arnold ed., 2015).


The Search for Meaning in the Notice Requirements of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: A 30 for 30 Short, Johnny Parker
43 Cap. U. L. Rev. 201 (2015).


Why Personhood Matters, Tamara R. Piety
30 Constitutional Commentary 361 (2015).


Homelessness at the Cathedral, Marc L. Roark
Marc L. Roark, Homelessness at the Cathedral, 80 Mo. L. Rev. (2015)


Human Impact Statements, Marc L. Roark


Retelling English Sovereignty, Marc L. Roark


Slavery, Property, and Marshall in the Positivist Legal Tradition, Marc L. Roark
Marc L. Roark, Slavery, Property, and Marshall in the Positivist Legal Tradition, 2 SAVANNAH L. REV. 45 (2015).


Revisiting Montana: Indian Treaty Rights and Tribal Authority Over Nonmembers on Trust Lands, Judith V. Royster
57 Ariz. L. Rev. 889 (2015).


A Promise to Pay Money if Transferred Land is used for Identified Energy-Related Activity: Can Successors of the Promisor be Bound?, Rex J. Zedalis
50 Tulsa L. Rev. 805 (2015).



Discovery of Medical Records in Oklahoma State Courts, Charles W. Adams
Discovery of Medical Records in Oklahoma State Courts, 85 Oklahoma Bar Journal 2007 (2014).


Evolution of U.S. Electric Energy Regulation: From Natural Monopoly Regulation to Regulated Competition, Gary Allison
Evolution of U.S. Electric Energy Regulation: From Natural Monopoly Regulation to Regulated Competition, ABA's Section of Environment, Energy & Resources (2014).


Death Delayed is Retribution Denied, Russell Christopher
99 Minnesota Law Review 421 (2014).