Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




Admonitions or Accountability?: U.S. Implementation of the Hague Adoption Convention Requirements for the Collection and Disclosure of Medical and Social History of Transnationally Adopted Children, Marianne Blair
40 Cap. U. L. Rev. 325 (2012).


Women and HIV/AIDS: Toward a Jurisprudence of Social and Economic Rights, Anna Carpenter
IMPOWR Imprints (August 7, 2012).

Imminence in Justified Targeted Killings, Russell Christopher
in Targeted Killings: Law and Morality in an Asymetrical World, 253-284 (Clair Finkelstein, Jens Ohlin, and Andrew Altman eds., Oxford Univ. Press, 2012).

Introduction, Russell Christopher
in Fletcher's Essays on Criminal Law, (Editor, Oxford Univ. Press, 2012).


The Paradox of Statutory Rape, Russell Christopher and Kathryn Christopher
87 Ind. L.J. 505 (2012).


Amy L. Sayward and Margaret Vandiver eds., Tennessee's New Abolitionists: The Fight to End the Death Penalty in the Volunteer State (2010), Lyn Entzeroth
52 Am. J. Legal Hist. 555 (2012) (book review).


The End of the Beginning: The Politics of Death and the American Death Penalty Regime in the Twenty-First Century, Lyn Entzeroth
90 Or. L. Rev. 797 (2012).

How Do Roles Generate Reasons? A Method of Legal Ethics, Stephen Galoob
15 Legal Ethics 1 (2012).


Social Security Disability Law and the Obstacles Facing Claimants With Mental Disabilities, Oren R. Griffin
Oren R. Griffin, Social Security Disability Law and the Obstacles Facing Claimants with Mental Disabilities, 36 LAW & PSYCHOL. REV. 147 (2012).


International Trademark Protection and Global Public Health: a Just Compensation Regime for Expropriations and Regulatory Takings, Sam Halabi
61 Cath. U. L. Rev. 325 (2012).


Should Congress Amend Sections 911 and 916 of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act to Improve Post-Market Surveillance of Modified Risk Tobacco Products?, Sam Halabi
2(4) Food and Drug Policy Forum (2012).


Traditions of Belligerent Recognition: the Libyan Intervention in Theoretical and Historical Context, Sam Halabi
27 Am. U. Int'l. L. Rev. 321 (2012).


Cognitive Enhancements and the Values of Higher Education, Matt Lamkin
Health Care Analysis 20 (4), pp. 347-355 (2012).


Bentham at the OMB: A Response to Professor Rowell, Melissa Luttrell
64 Admin. L. Rev. 1013 (2012).


"A Necessary Cost of Freedom"? The Incoherence of Sorrell v. IMS, Tamara Piety
64 Ala. L. Rev. 1 (2012).


Tribal Energy Development: Renewables and the Problem of the Current Statutory Structures, Judith Royster
31 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 91 (2012).


A New Odyssey, Robert Spoo
Irish Times James Joyce Magazine 2 Feb. (2012): 6-7.

“Ezra Pound's Copyright Statute: Perpetual Rights and the Problem of Heirs”, Robert Spoo
in Copyright Law Volume II: Application to Creative Industries in the 20th Century, ed. Brian Fitzgerald and Benedict Atkinson (Surrey, U.K.: Ashgate, 2012). [UCLA L. Rev. article (supra) invited for inclusion in Ashgate’s Library of Essays on Copyright Law.]


Samuel Roth: Discourteous Reprinter, Robert Spoo
5 Dublin James Joyce Journal 99-111 (2012).


Three Myths for Aging Copyrights: Tithonus, Dorian Gray, Ulysses, Robert Spoo
31 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 77 (2012).


Structural Reform as Anitidote to Complexity Capture, Robert Weber
49 Am. Bus. L.J. 643 (2012).


The Case for Reviving the Four-Year Deal, Ray Yasser
86 Tul. L. Rev. 987 (2012).



Spoliation of Electronic Evidence: Sanctions Versus Advocacy, Charles Adams
Charles W. Adams, Spoliation of Electronic Evidence: Sanctions versus Advocacy, 18 MICH. TELECOMM. & TECH. L. REV. 1 (2011).


Publishing the Unpublished Correspondence, Kevin J. H. Dettmar, William S. Brockman, and Robert Spoo
49 JAMES JOYCE Q. 143-154 (2011).


Brady Violations Committed by the Prosecutor's Office in Orleans Parish, Louisiana, Lyn Entzeroth
26 Amicus J. 28 (2011).