Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




Does Gender Influence Attitudes Toward Copyright in the Filk Community?, Robert Spoo and Melissa Tatum
18 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 219 (2010).

Intellectual Property and Vietnam’s Higher Education System, Robert Spoo and Dao Anh Tuan
in Reforming Higher Education in Vietnam: Challenges and Priorities, ed. Grant Harmon et al. (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2010).


New Governance, Financial Regulation, and Challenges to Legitimacy: The Example of the Internal Models Approach to Capital Adequacy, Robert Weber
63 Admin. L. Rev. 783 (2010).

Climate Change and the National Academy of Sciences’ Idea of Geo-engineering: One American Academic’s Perspective on First Considering the Text of Existing International Agreements, Rex Zedalis
19 European Energy & Environmental Law Review 18 (2010).



Allocating Patent Rights Between Earlier and Later Inventions, Charles Adams
54 St. Louis U. L. J. 55 (2009).


Allocating Patent Rights Between Earlier and Later Inventions, Charles W. Adams
Charles W. Adams, Allocating Patent Rights between Earlier and Later Inventions, 54 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 55 (2009).


Taking Note of the Investment Aspect of Purchasing a Franchise: A Proposal for Required Electronic Filing of Pre-Sale Disclosure Documents, Tom Arnold
3 Entrepreneurial Bus. L. J. 209 (2009).


Doing Well By Doing Good and Vice Versa: Self-Sustaining NGO/Nonprofit Organizations, Barbara Bucholtz
17 J. Law & Policy 403 (2009).


A Political Theory of Blackmail: A Reply to Professor Dripps, Russell Christopher
3 Crim L. & Phil. 261 (2009).


The Illusion of Sanity: The Constitutional and Moral Danger of Allowing States to Medicate Condemned Prisoners in Order to Execute Them, Lyn Entzeroth
76 Tenn. L. Rev. 641 (2009).


The United States' Continuing Practice of Executing the Mentally Ill, Lyn Entzeroth
20 Amicus J. 14 (2009).


Judicial Advocacy in Pro Se Litigation: A Return to Neutrality, Lyn Entzeroth and Robert Bacharach
42 Ind. L. Rev. 19 (2009).


Arbitration: Assured Resolution, Martin Frey and Kay Bridger-Riley
Solo eNewsletter (ABA e-publication for solo and small firm practioners) Winter 2009.


Constructing a Legal and Managerial Paradigm Applicable to the Modern-Day Safety and Security Challenge at Colleges and Universities, Oren R. Griffin
Oren R. Griffin, Constructing a Legal and Managerial Paradigm Applicable to the Modern-Day Safety and Security Challenge at Colleges and Universities, 54 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 241 (2009).


Participation and the Right to Health: Lessons from Indonesia, Sam Halabi
11 Health and Human Rights 49 (2009).


A Reexamination of the Temporal Dimension in Property and Takings, Marla E. Mansfield
44 Tulsa L. Rev. 765 (2009).


The Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act: Blowing Off Steam or Setting Wildfires?, Elizabeth McCormick
23 Geo. Immigr. L. J. 293 (2009).


Uninsured Motorist Law in Oklahoma, Johnny Parker
34 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 363 (2009).


Onslaught: Commercial Speech and Gender Inequality, Tamara Piety
60 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 47 (2009).


The Indian Reorganization Act, The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and a Proposed Carcieri "Fix": Updating the Trust Land Aquisition Process, G. William Rice
45 Idaho L. Rev. 575 (2009).


Loneliness and the Law: Solitude, Action, and Power in the Law and Literature, Marc L. Roark
Marc L. Roark, Loneliness and the Law: Solitude, Action, and Power in Law and Literature, 55 LOY. L. REV. 45 (2009).

Indian Tribal Water Rights to Groundwater , Judith Royster
chapter in Tribal Rights: A Praxis, ed. R. Satyanarayana. (Amicus Books - Icfai University Press, India 2008-09).


Ezra Pound’s Copyright Statute: Perpetual Rights and the Problem of Heirs, Robert Spoo
56 UCLA L. Rev. 1775 (August 2009).


“For God’s sake, publish; only be sure of your rights”: Virginia Woolf, Copyright, and Scholarship, Robert Spoo
"For God's sake, publish; only be sure of your rights": Virginia Woolf, Copyright, and Scholarship. Editing Woolf/Woolf Editing: Selected Papers from the 18th Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf, ed. Wayne Chapman (Clemson: Clemson Univ. Press, 2009).


Your Tax Dollars at Work (reviewing Claire A. Culleton and Karen Leick eds., Modernism on File: Writers, Artists, and the FBI, 1920-1950), Robert Spoo
23 James Joyce Lit. Supp. 7-8 (2009).