Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




The Doctrine of Equivalents: Becoming a Derelict on the Waters of Patent Law, Charles Adams
Charles W. Adams, The Doctrine of Equivalents: Becoming a Derelict on the Waters of Patent Law, 84 NEB. L. REV. 1113 (2005).


A Brief History of Indirect Liability for Patent Infringement, Charles W. Adams
Charles W. Adams, A Brief History of Indirect Liability for Patent Infringement, 22 SANTA CLARA COMPUTER & HIGH TECH. L.J. 369 (2006).

Survey of Oklahoma Water Law, Gary Allison
appearing in 6 Waters and Water Rights 687-698 (replacement volume of R. Beck, ed., updated ed., Bobbs-Merrill 1994).


Safeguarding the Interests of Children in Intercountry Adoption: Assessing the Gatekeepers, Marianne Blair
34 Cap. U. L. Rev. 349 (2005).

Privatizing Human Rights Initiatives: How Asian Countries Can Avoid the Flaws in the U.S. Model, Barbara Bucholtz
17 J. Asian Econ. 41 (2006).


Symposium Foreword, Barbara K. Bucholtz
41 Tulsa L. Rev. 405 (2006).

Martin v. Ohio; Patterson v. New York; Self-Defense; Ulster County, New York v. Allen, Russell Christopher
entry in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Paul Finkelman ed., 2006).


Meta-Blackmail, Russell Christopher
94 Geo. L. J. 739 (2006).


The Trilemma of Meta-Blackmail: Is Conditionally Threatening Blackmail Worse, the Same, or Better than Blackmail Itself?, Russell Christopher
94 Geo. L. J.. 813 (2006).


Symposium Foreword, Lyn Entzeroth
42 Tulsa L. Rev. 205 (2006).

International Law Happens, Janet K. Levit
in SELA 2006; El Poder Ejecutivo (Roberto Sabaed.Editores del Puerto 2007).


Hospitality: How a Biblical Virtue Could Transform United States Immigration Policy, Elizabeth McCormick and Patrick McCormick
83 U. Det. Mercy L. Rev. 857 (2006).


Understanding the Insurance Policy Appraisal Clause: A Four-Step Program, Johnny Parker
37 U. Tol. L. Rev. 931 (2006).


Free Advertising: the Case for Public Relations as Commercial Speech, Tamara Piety
10 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 367 (2006).

Selected Entries (Commercial Speech, Burden of Proof), Tamara Piety
in The Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, (Paul Finkelman, ed.) (Routledge 2006).


Why the ACLU was Wrong about Nike, Inc. v. Kasky, Tamara R. Piety
41 Tulsa L. Rev. 715 (2006).


Teaching Decolonization: Reacquisition of Indian Lands Within and Without the Box - an Essay, G. William Rice
82 N.D. L. Rev. 811 (2006).


Indian Natural Resources Development: Tribal Energy Resources Agreements under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Judith Royster
37 Trends (ABA SEER) 8 (May/June 2006).


Indian Tribal Rights to Groundwater, Judith Royster
15 Kan. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 489 (2006).


Indian Water and the Federal Trust: Some Proposals for Federal Action, Judith Royster
46 Nat. Resources J. 375 (2006).


Montana at the Crossroads, Judith Royster
38 Conn. L. Rev. 631 (2006).


Symposium Foreword, Judith V. Royster
42 Tulsa L. Rev. 1 (2006).


Why Public Performances of James Joyce's Works Are Not a Thing of the Past, Robert Spoo
20 James Joyce Lit. Supp. 2-3 (2006).


Walking the Tightrope: Doing International Business in Light of the U.S. Iranian Transaction Regulations Concept of "Facilitation", Rex Zedalis
2006 Int'l Bus. L.J. 67 (2006).

International Comparisons of Energy Use & the Environment: Does It Make Sense to Call on Wind Power?, Rex Zedalis and R. Dobie Langenkamp
15 European Envtl. L. Rev. 162 (June 2006).