Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




School Vouchers: The Educational Silver Bullet, or an Ideological Blank Round, Gary D. Allison
38 Tulsa L. Rev. 329 (2002).


Employment Rights and Wrongs: ADA Issues in the 2001-2002 Supreme Court Term, Barbara K. Bucholtz
38 Tulsa L. Rev. 363 (2002).


Deterring Retributivism: The Injustice of 'Just' Punishment, Russell Christopher
96 Nw. U. L. Rev. 843 (2002).


Constitutional Prohibition on the Execution of the Mentally Retarded Criminal Defendant, Lyn Entzeroth
38 Tulsa L. Rev. 299 (2002).


Tahoe-Sierra Returns Penn Central to the Center Track, Marla E. Mansfield
38 Tulsa L. Rev. 263 (2002).


Merchants of Discontent: An Exploration of the Psychology of Advertising, Addiction and Its Implications for Commercial Speech, Tamara Piety
25 Seattle U. L. Rev. 377 (2001).

Selected Entries (Burden of Proof, Robbery, and Theft), Tamara Piety
in The Oxford Companion to American Law, (Oxford U. Press 2002).


The War on the Poor - News from the Front: Department of Housing and Urban Development v. Rucker, Tamara R. Piety
38 Tulsa L. Rev. 385 (2002).


Look Back in Anger, Judith V. Royster
38 Tulsa L. Rev. 1 (2002).


A Rose Is a Rose Is a Roth: New/Old Theories of Legal Liability in the Joyce World, Robert Spoo
16 James Joyce Lit. Supp. 3-5 (2002).

Current Copyright Law and Fair Use, Robert Spoo
33 J. Scholarly Pub. 125-41 (2002).

GMO Food Measures as "Restrictions" Under GATT Article XI(1), Rex Zedalis
11 European Envtl. L. Rev. 16 (2002).

Government Participation or Acquiescence in Trade-Affecting Consumer Information: Does Culpability Arise Under the GATT?, Rex Zedalis
49 Neth. Intl. Rev. 227 (2002).

International Trade Law, Rex Zedalis
in The Oxford Companion to American Law (Oxford Univ. Press) (2002).

Law of War, Rex Zedalis
in The Oxford Companion to American Law (Oxford Univ. Press) (2002).



Prelude to a Church-State: The Supremes Set the Stage for Faith-Based Initiatives, Gary D. Allison
37 Tulsa L. Rev. 111 (2001).


The Impact of Family Paradigms, Domestic Constitutions, and International Conventions on Disclosure of an Adopted Person's Identities and Heritage: A Comparative Examination, Marianne Blair
22 Mich. J. Int'l L. 587 (2001).


The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act: A Well Built Fence or Barbed Wire around the Intellectual Commons, Warigia M. Bowman
Warigia Bowman, The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act: A Well Built Fence or Barbed Wire around the Intellectual Commons, 13 LBJ J. PUB. AFF. 80 (2001).


Gestalt Flips by an Acrobatic Supreme Court and the Business-Related Cases on Its 2000-2001 Docket, Barbara K. Bucholtz
37 Tulsa L. Rev. 305 (2001).

Justification: Self-Defense, Russell Christopher
entry in The Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice (Joshua Dressler ed., 2d ed., Macmillan and Free Press: New York, 2001).


Putting the Mentally Retarded Criminal Defendant to Death: Charting the Development of a National Consensus to Exempt the Mentally Retarded from the Death Penalty, Lyn Entzeroth
52 Ala. L. Rev. 911 (2001).


Does ADR Offer Second Class Justice, Martin A. Frey
36 Tulsa L. J. 727 (2001).


Accommodating the Learning Disabled Student On Campus, Oren R. Griffin
Oren R. Griffin, Accomodating the Learning Disabled Student on Campus, 78 U. DET. MERCY L. REV. 547 (2001).


Casey and the Little Leaguers, Vicki J. Limas
37 Tulsa L. Rev. 81 (2001).

Mineral Law Newsletter, Marla Mansfield
(Okla. B. Assn.) (Editor and Author).