Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




Book Review: Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies, by Lakshman D. Guruswamy and Jeffrey McNeely (eds.), Marla Mansfield
10 Colo. J. Intl. Env. L. & Poly. 143 (1999).


Book Review: The Contentious Lands: A Review of Western Public Lands and Environmental Politics, by Charles Davis, ed., Marla Mansfield
5 Buff. Envtl. L.J. 493 (1998)


The Common Fund Doctrine: Coming of Age in the Law of Insurance Subrogation, Johnny Parker
31 Ind. L. Rev. 313 (1998). Also appearing in 48 Defense L.J. 259 (1999).


Of Surplus Lands and Landfills: The Case of the Yankton Sioux, Judith Royster
43 S.D. L. Rev. 283 (1998).


Stature and Scrutiny: Post-Exhaustion Review of Tribal Court Decisions, Judith Royster
46 Kan. L. Rev. 241 (1998).


Decontextualizing Federal Indian Law: The Supreme Court's 1997-98 Term, Judith V. Royster
34 Tulsa L. J. 329 (1998).


Copyright Protectionism and Its Discontents: The Case of James Joyce's Ulysses in America, Robert Spoo
108 Yale L.J. 633-67 (1998).


Fair Use of Unpublished Works: Scholarly Research and Copyright Case Law Since 1992, Robert Spoo
34 Tulsa L. J. 183 (1998).


Joyce Scholars, Editors, and Imaginary Readers, Robert Spoo
60 COLLEGE ENGLISH 330-35 (1998).


Gender Equity in Interscholastic Sports: The Final Saga: The Fight for Attorneys' Fees, Ray Yasser and Samuel J. Schiller
34 Tulsa L. J. 85 (1998).

An Analysis of Some of the Principal Legal Questions Relating to U.N. Weapons Inspection in Iraq, Rex Zedalis
67 Nordic J. Intl. L. 249 (1998).

How Does the New OECD Convention on Bribery Stack Up Against the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?, Rex Zedalis
32 J. of World Trade 167 (1998).


The Total S.A. Case: Meaning of "Investment" Under the ILSA, Rex Zedalis
92 Am. J. Intl. L. 539 (1998).



The Uniform Laws Committee: 1994-1997 Activities, Charles Adams
Charles W. Adams , James E. Britton, Teresa M. Burkett & Douglas Eason, Uniform Laws Committee: 1994-1997 Activities, The, 68 OKLA. B.J. 1921 (1997).


Oklahoma Civil Procedure--Recent Developments, Charles W. Adams
32 Tulsa L. J. 755 (1997).


Recent Developments in Oklahoma Civil Procedure, Charles W. Adams
33 Tulsa L. J. 539 (1997).


Free Speech, Indecency and the Electronic Media: The Fragmentation of the Supreme Court, Gary D. Allison
32 Tulsa L. J. 403 (1997).


The Cyberwar of 1997: Timidity and Sophistry at the First Amendment Front, Gary D. Allison
33 Tulsa L. J. 103 (1997).


Let's Say Good-Bye to Res Gestae, Chris Blair
33 Tulsa L. J. 349 (1997).


The New Oklahoma Adoption Code: A Quest to Accommodate Diverse Interests, D. Marianne Brower Blair
33 Tulsa L. J. 177 (1997).


Taking Care of Business: A Review of Business-Related Cases in the 1995-1996 Supreme Court Term, Barbara K. Bucholtz
32 Tulsa L. J. 449 (1997).

West's Bankruptcy Practice Systems, Martin Frey
with Warren McConnico & Phillis Hurley Frey, Chapters 7, 11, 12, 13; User's Guide, 37 pages (with three diskettes) (West 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997)


Representing Clients Effectively in an ADR Environment, Martin A. Frey
33 Tulsa L. J. 443 (1997).


A Tale of Two Owners: Real Property Co-Ownership and Mineral Developments, Marla Mansfield
43 Rocky Mtn. Min. L. Inst. 20-1 (1997).


Does Lack of an Insurable Interest Preclude an Insurance Agent from Taking an Absolute Assignment of His Client's Life Policy?, Johnny Parker
31 U. Rich. L. Rev. 71 (1997).