Claims By Individuals in International Economic Law: NAFTA Developments, Rex Zedalis
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New Export Controls for Chemicals on the Horizon?, Rex Zedalis
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The Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act: United States Control over Exports, Rex Zedalis
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New Capital for Bankruptcy Reorganizations: It's the Amount That Counts,, Charles Adams
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Recent Developments in Oklahoma Law--Civil Procedure, Charles W. Adams
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Sawing Off the Third Branch: Precluding Judicial Review of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Assessments Under Free Trade Agreements, Barbara Bucholtz
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Unknowing Justification and the Logical Necessity of the Dadson Principle in Private Defence, Russell Christopher
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Evidentiary Use (And Misuse) Of The Civil Defendant's Financial Status, Karen M. Grundy
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Recent Developments in Federal Appellate Practice and Procedure, Karen M. Grundy
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Population, Immigration, and a Believable Future, Bill Hollingsworth
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Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights: A Conference in Remembrance of Carlos Santiago Nino, Janet K. Levit
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Equivocal Obligations: The Federal-Tribal Trust Relationship and Conflicts of Interest in the Development of Mineral Resources, Judith Royster
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The Legacy of Allotment, Judith Royster
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Editing H.D.’s Asphodel: Selected Emendations and Notes, Robert Spoo
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Michael North, The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound, Robert Spoo
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Unpublished Letters of Ezra Pound to James, Nora, and Stanislaus Joyce, Robert Spoo
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In the Heat of Competition: Tort Liability of One Participant to Another: Why Can't Participants be Required to be Reasonable, Ray Yasser
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Connections: Interpretive Perspectives and Social Attitudes, Rex Zedalis
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Franco-American Charolaise: The Never Ending Story, Gary D. Allison
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Administrative Aspects of State Corporation Law, Tom Arnold
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Control and Desert: A Comment on Moore's View of Attempts, Russell Christopher
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Mistake of Fact in the Objective Theory of Justification: Do Two Rights Make Two Wrongs Make Two Rights...?, Russell Christopher
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Rewriting Beginnings: The Lessons of Gautreaux, Janet K. Levit
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Fact-Finding Initiatives for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Janet K. Levit and W. Michael Reisman