Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law



Liability of Adoption Agencies and Attorneys for Misconduct in the Disclosure of Health-related Information, Marianne Blair
appearing in Adoption Law and Practice, 16-1 to 16-150, (Joan Hollinger ed.).

Mistake and Ignorance, Russell Christopher
entry in The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia (Christopher B. Gray ed., Garland Publishing: New York, 1999).

Self-Defense, Russell Christopher
in The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia (Christopher B. Gray ed., Garland Publishing: New York, 1999).


Russian Nuclear Dumping: The Environmental Dimension, Lakshman D. Guruswamy and Jason B. Aamodt
10 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L. & Pol'y 267 (1999).

Y6B: The Real Millennial Threat, Bill Hollingsworth
Sierra 16 (Sept.-Oct. 1999).


The Constitutionalization of Human Rights in Argentina: Problem or Promise?, Janet K. Levit
37 Colum. J. Transnat'l. L. 281 (1999).


Clarifying Entrapment, Melissa Luttrell, Ronald Allen, and Anne Kreeger
89 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 407 (1999).


Replacement Cost Coverage: A Legal Primer, Johnny Parker
34 Wake Forest L. Rev. 295 (1999).

Native American Law, Judith Royster
chapter in The Law of Environmental Justice 157-182 (American Bar Assn. 1999).


Copyright and the Ends of Ownership: The Case for a Public-Domain Ulysses in America, Robert Spoo
1999 Joyce Stud. Ann. 5-62 (1999).

Genders of History in “Nestor”, Robert Spoo
in Ulysses: Engendered Perspectives, ed. Kimberly Devlin & Marilyn Reizbaum (Columbia, SC: Univ. of South Carolina Press, 1999).


“No Word Is an Island”: Textualism and Aesthetics in Akhil Reed Amar’s The Bill of Rights, Robert Spoo
33 U. Rich. L. Rev. 537 (1999).


Dealing with the Weapons Inspections Crisis in Iraq, Rex Zedalis
59 Zeitschrift fuer auslaendisches oeffentliches Recht and Voelkerrecht 37 (1999).

Untying the Gordian Knot: Evaluating the Legal Dimensions of the U.N. Weapons Inspection Programme in Iraq and Rethinking the Future, Rex Zedalis
12 Leiden J. of Intl. L. 297 (1999).



Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials: Human Health & Regulation, Jason Aamodt
33 Tulsa L. J. 847 (1998).


The Cultural War over NEA Funding: Illogical Statutory Deconstruction Erodes Expressive Freedom, Gary D. Allison
34 Tulsa L. J. 233 (1998).


1998 Amendments to the Oklahoma Adoption Code: The Third Round of Adoption Reform, Marianne Blair
13 Okla. Fam. L.J. 49-62 (1998).


Lakshman D. Guruswamy and Brent R. Hendricks, International Environmental Law in a Nutshell (1997), Barbara Bucholtz
9 Colo. J. Intl. Envtl. L. & Policy 139 (1998) (book review).


Reflections on the Role of Nonprofit Associations in a Representative Democracy, Barbara Bucholtz
7 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Policy 555 (1998).


Sticking to Business: A Review of Business-Related Cases in the 1997-98 Supreme Court Term, Barbara K. Bucholtz
34 Tulsa L. J. 207 (1998).


Self-Defense and Defense of Others, Russell Christopher
27 Phil. & Pub. Affairs 123 (Spring 1998).


Self-Defense and Objectivity: A Reply to Judith Jarvis Thomson, Russell Christopher
1 Buff. Crim. L. Rev. 537 (1998).


The Impact of "Fair Use" in the Higher Education Community: A Necessary Exception?, Oren R. Griffin and Stephana I. Colbert
Stephana I. Colbert & Oren R. Griffin, The Impact of Fair Use in the Higher Education Community: A Necessary Exception, 62 ALB. L. REV. 437 (1998).

Population Explosion: Still Expanding, Bill Hollingsworth
27 USA Today: The Magazine of the American Scene Society for the Advancement of Education 28 (July 1998).


Significant Employment Law Decisions in the 1997-98 Term: A Clarification of Sexual Harassment Law and a Broad Definition of Disability, Vicki J. Limas
34 Tulsa L. J. 307 (1998).