Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




Attacking the NCAA's Anti-Transfer Rules as Covenants Not To Compete, Ray Yasser and Clay Fees
15 Seton Hall J. Sport L. 221 (2005).

Circumstances Justifying Preemptive Self-Defense: Thoughts Prompted by the Military Action Against Iraq, Rex Zedalis
74 Nordic J. of Intl. L. 209 (2005).

Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq: The 'Final Word' on Efforts to Eliminate Saddam Hussein's Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear Weapons Threat, Rex Zedalis
in International Peacekeeping: The Yearbook of Peace Operations 115. Eds. Harvey Langholtz, Boris Kondoch and Alan Wells. Brill, 2006.



The Right of Privacy of Employees with Respect to Employer-Owned Computers and E-mails, Charles Adams
Charles W. Adams, Right of Privacy of Employees with Respect to Employer-Owned Computers and E-Mails, The, 75 OKLA. B.J. 2567 (2004).


International Application of the UCCJEA: Scruntinizing the Escape Clause, Marianne Blair
38 Fam. L. Q. 547 (2004) .


Does Attempted Murder Deserve Greater Punishment than Murder? Moral Luck and the Duty to Prevent Harm, Russell Christopher
18 Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub. Pol'y 419 (2004).


Symposium Foreword, Russell L. Christopher
39 Tulsa L. Rev. 737 (2004).


Okonkwo's Trials Reconsidered: A (More) Comprehensive History of Colonial State Development, reviewing Lauren Benton Law and Colonial Cultures, Sam Halabi
45 Harv. Int'l L.J. 577 (2004).


The Dynamics of International Trade Finance Regulation: The Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits, Janet K. Levit
45 Harv. Int'l. L.J. 65 (2004).


David Cole, Enemy Aliens: Double Standards and Constitutional Freedoms in the War on Terrorism (2003), Elizabeth M. McCormick
19 Conn. J. Intl. L. 423 (2004) (book review).


Something Fishy: Or Why I Make my Students Read Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish, Tamara Piety
29 Vt. L. Rev. 33 (2004).


Tribute to the Scholarship of Frank Michelman: Meditations on Mentoring and the Scholar as Mentor, Tamara R. Piety
39 Tulsa L. Rev. 583 (2004).


Ulysses, Bloomsday, and Copyright, Robert Spoo
Spoo, Robert. "Ulysses, Bloomsday, and Copyright." yes I said yes I will Yes.: A Celebration of James Joyce, Ulysses, and 100 Years of Bloomsday. Ed. Nola Tully. New York: Vintage, 2004. 95-97. Print.

United States/European Communities Biotech Products Case: Opportunity for World Trade Organization Consideration of Whether General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Article XI(1)'s Reference to "Other Measures", Rex Zedalis
38 J. of World Trade 647 (2004).



Sanctioning Sodomy: The Supreme Court Liberates Gay Sex and Limits State Power to Vindicate the Moral Sentiments of the People, Gary D. Allison
39 Tulsa L. Rev. 95 (2003).


On Canonical Transformations and the Coherence of Dichotomies: Jazz, Jurisprudence, and the University Mission, Barbara Bucholtz
37 U. Rich. L. Rev. 425 (2003).


Father Knows Best: The Court's Result-Oriented Activism Continues Apace: Selected Business-Related Decisions from the 2002-2003 Term, Barbara K. Bucholtz
39 Tulsa L. Rev. 75 (2003).


The Prosecutor's Dilemma: Bargains and Punishments, Russell Christopher
72 Fordham L. Rev. 93 (2003).


Federal Habeas Review of Death Sentences, Where are We Now: A review of Wiggins v. Smith and Miller-el v. Cockrell, Lyn Entzeroth
39 Tulsa L. Rev. 49 (2003).


An Analysis of Claims Regarding Transferable "Legal Title" to Iraqi Oil in the Immediate Aftermath of Gulf War II: Paradigm for Insight on Continuation of UN Juridical Regimes Following the Initiation of Belligerent Occupation, R. Dobie Langenkamp and Rex Zedalis
63 Zeitschrift fuer auslaendisches oeffentliches Recht and Voelkerrecht 605 (2003).


Going Public with Transnational Law: The 2002-2003 Supreme Court Term, Janet K. Levit
39 Tulsa L. Rev. 155 (2003).


Smoking in Bed, Tamara Piety
57 U. Miami L. Rev. 827 (2003).


Oliphant and Its Discontents: An Essay Introducing the Case for Reargument before the American Indian Nations Supreme Court, Judith Royster
13 Kan. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 59 (2003).

Developments Regarding the United Nations Weapons Inspection Regime in Iraq, Rex Zedalis
in The Yearbook of International Peace Operations, 171-212 (Kominklijke, Brill N. V. 2002).


What Happens to the Iraqi Oil? Thoughts on Some Significant Unexamined International Legal Questions Regarding Occupation of Oil Fields, Rex Zedalis
14 European J. of Intl. L. 417 (2003).