Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




By the Dawn's Early Light: The Administrative State Still Stands after the 2000 Supreme Court Term (Commerce Clause, Delegation, and Takings), Marla E. Mansfield
37 Tulsa L. Rev. 205 (2001).


The Automobile Libaility Coverage Step-Down Clause: The Real Deal or Merely the Calm Before the Storm?, Johnny Parker
10 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 33 (2001).


A Critique of Adjudication: Fin De Siecle: Confession Without Avoidance, Tamara Piety
22 Cardozo L. Rev. 947 (2001).

Federalism , Judith Royster
entry in The Encyclopedia of American Political History (Paul Finkelman ed., CQ Press 2001).


Copyright Law and Archival Research, Robert Spoo
24 J. Mod Lit. 205-12 (2000/2001).

Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods - The Limits of GATT Rules, Rex Zedalis
35 J. of World Trade 301 (2001).



Protecting Party Purity in the Selection of Nominees for Public Office: The Supremes Strike Down California's Blanket Primaries and Endanger the Open Primaries of Many States, Gary D. Allison
36 Tulsa L. J. 59 (2000).


Yes, Virginia, There Is a United States Constitution: Selected Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Cases from the Supreme Court's 1998-99 Term, Chris Blair
35 Tulsa L. J. 547 (2000).

Unveiling Our Heritage: A Comparative Examination of Access by Adopted Persons and Their Families to Identifying and Non-identifying Information, Marianne Blair
(Published in 2 parts) 3 Irish Journal of Family Law (Sept. 2000); 4 Irish Journal of Family Law.


Business As Usual in a Dollar Democracy: A Review of Business-Related Cases in the 1998-1999 Supreme Court Term, Barbara K. Bucholtz
35 Tulsa L. J. 485 (2000).


Private Sector Issues in a Public Sector Retro-Lution: The Supreme Court's Business-Related Decisions in the October 1999 Term, Barbara K. Bucholtz
36 Tulsa L. J. 153 (2000).

Self-Defense and Security, Russell Christopher
entry in The Encyclopedia of Violence in the United States (Ronald Gottesman ed., Charles Scribner's Sons: New York, 2000).


Employment Discrimination in Higher Education, Oren R. Griffin and Thomas P. Hustoles
Thomas P. Hustoles & Oren R. Griffin, Employment Discrimination in Higher Education, 27 J.C. & U.L. 341 (2000).


Of One-Legged Marathoners and Legally Blind Pilots: Disabling the ADA on a Case-by-Case Basis, Vicki J. Limas
35 Tulsa L. J. 505 (2000).


The Wacky World of Collision & Comprehensive Coverages: Intentional Injury & Illegal Activity Exclusions, Johnny Parker
79 Neb. L. Rev. 75 (2000).

Handbook of Federal Indian Law, G. William Rice
(contributing author)


Case Notes: State v. Jackson: Warning - Roadblock Ahead! Louisiana Creates Log Jam of Search and Seizure Analysis, Marc L. Roark
Marc L. Roark, State v. Jackson: Warning - Roadblock Ahead - Louisiana Creates Log Jam of Search and Seizure Analysis, 46 LOY. L. REV. 1341 (2000).

American Indians: Law in Indian Communities, Judith Royster
entry in The Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century (Paul Finkelman ed., N.Y.: Scribner 2000).

Water Rights: Is the Quechan Tribe Barred from Seeking a Determination of Reservation Boundaries and Water Rights?, Judith Royster
no. 7 Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases (April 2000).


Winters in the East: Tribal Reserved Rights to Water in Riparian States, Judith Royster
25 Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol'y Rev. 169 (Fall 2000).


Judicial Termination of Treaty Water Rights: The Snake River Case, Judith Royster, Michael C. Blumm, Dale D. Goble, and Mary Christina Wood
36 Idaho L. Rev. 449 (2000).


Deluxe Editions and the Copyright Monopoly, Robert Spoo
14 James Joyce Lit. Supp. 7-8 (2000).


Injuries, Remedies, Moral Rights, and the Public Domain, Robert Spoo
37 James Joyce Q. 333-51 (2000).

The Quiet, Continuing Air War Against Iraq: An Interpretive Analysis of the Controlling Security Council Resolutions, Rex Zedalis
55 ZOR 181 (2000) (Austrian J. Pub. & Intl. L.).



Developments in Oklahoma Civil Procedure 1997-98, Charles W. Adams
34 Tulsa L. J. 501 (1999).