Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law



Recent Oil Contracts with Iraqi Kurdish Authorities: Are They Legally Valid, Rex Zedalis
2008 Int'l Energy L. Rev. 16 (2008).


On the Legality of Analyzing Cell Phone Records, Charles Adams
Advances in Digital Forensics III (IFIP 2007).


Democracy DeLayed: The High Court Distorts Voting Rights Principles to Thwart Partially the Texas Republican Gerrymander, Gary D. Allison
42 Tulsa L. Rev. 605 (2007).


Hudson v. Michigan: The Supreme Court Knocks and Announces the Demise of the Exclusionary Rule, Chris Blair
42 Tulsa L. Rev. 751 (2007).


What Goes Around, Comes Around: Legal Ironies in an Emergent Doctrine for Preserving Academic Freedom and the University Mission, Barbara Bucholtz
13 Tex. Wes. L. Rev. 311 (2007).


Tripartite Structures of Criminal Law in Germany and Other Civil Law Jurisdictions, Russell Christopher
28 Cardozo L. Rev. 2675 (2007).


Adult Impersonation: Rape by Fraud as a Defense to Statutory Rape, Russell Christopher and Kathryn Christopher
101 Nw. U. L. Rev. 75 (2007).

Judicial Profile: Honorable Bana Roberts, U.S. Magistrate Judge, Western District of Oklahoma, Lyn Entzeroth
54 The Federal Lawyer 32 (2007).


Confronting the Evolving Safety and Security Challenge at Colleges and Universities, Oren R. Griffin
Oren R. Griffin, Confronting the Evolving Safety and Security Challenge at Colleges and Universities, 5 PIERCE L. REV. 413 (2007).


The Teach Act: Recognizing Its Challenges and Overcoming Its Limitations, Oren R. Griffin and Stephana I. Colbert
Stephana I. Colbert & Oren R. Griffin, The Teach Act: Recognizing Its Challenges and Overcoming Its Limitations, 33 J.C. & U.L. 499 (2007).


The Indian Boarding School Era and Its Continuing Impact on Tribal Families and the Provision of Government Services, Ann Murray Haag
43 Tulsa L. Rev. 149 (2007).


Bottom-up International Lawmaking: Reflections on the New Haven School of International Law, Janet K. Levit
32 Yale J. Int'l L. 393 (2007).


Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon: The Glass is Half Full, Janet K. Levit
11 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 29 (2007).


Company Liability for a Life Insurance Agent's Financial Abuse of an Elderly Client, Johnny Parker
2007 Mich. St. L. Rev. 683.


Market Failure in the Marketplace of Ideas: Commercial Speech and the Problem That Won't Go Away, Tamara Piety
41 Loyola L. A. L. Rev. 181 (2007).


Corporations and Commercial Speech, Tamara Piety, Ronald Collins, Mark Lopez, and David Vladeck
30 Seattle U. L. Rev. 895 (2007).


Opening the Barbarians Gate or Watching the Barbarians from the Coliseum: A Requiem on the Nomos of the Louisiana Civil Law, Marc L. Roark
Marc L. Roark, "Opening the Barbarians' Gate" or Watching the Barbarians from the Coliseum: A Requiem on the Nomos of the Louisiana Civil Law, 67 La. L. Rev. (2007)


The Constitution as Idea: Describing - Defining - Deciding in Kelo, Marc L. Roark
Marc L. Roark, The Constitution as Idea: Describing - Defining - Deciding in Kelo, 43 CAL. W. L. REV. 363 (2007).


Symposium Foreword, Judith V. Royster
43 Tulsa L. Rev. 1 (2007).


Copyrights and "Design-Around" Scholarship, Robert Spoo
44 James Joyce Q. 563-85 (2007).


Individual Rights and Group Rights in the European Union's Approach to Minority Languages, Robert Weber
17 Duke J. Comp. & Int'l L. 361 (2007).

Iraqi Oil and Revenues from its Sale: A Review of How Existing Security Council Resolutions Affected the Past and May Shape the Future, Rex Zedalis
18 European Journal of International Law 499 ( 2007).


Subcentral Governmental Investment Incentives: Assessing Their Lawfulness Under the GATT and the SCM Agreement, Rex Zedalis
8 J. World Investment & Trade 85 (2007).

When Do the Activities of Private Parties Trigger WTO Rules, Rex Zedalis
Journal of International Economic Law 335 (2007).



A Brief History of Indirect Liability for Patent Infringement, Charles Adams
22 Santa Clara Computer & High Tech. L. J. 369 (2006).