Uncanny Returns in “The Dead”: Ibsenian Intertexts and the Estranged Infant, Robert Spoo
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A Comprehensive Blueprint for the Reform of Intercollegiate Athletics, Ray Yasser
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Athletic Scholarship Disarmament, Ray Yasser
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Gulf War Compensation Standard: Concerns Under the Charter, Rex Zedalis
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On First Considering Whether Law Binds, Rex Zedalis
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Shareholder Duties under State Law, Tom Arnold
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Employee's and Professional's Business-Related Expenses, Dennis Bires
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Oklahoma Criminal Discovery after Allen, Christen R. Blair
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Getting the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth: The Limits of Liability for Wrongful Adoption, Marianne Blair
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Lifting the Genealogical Veil: A Blueprint for Legislative Reform of the Disclosure of Health-Related Information in Adoption, Marianne Blair
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Canadian Experience with Predictive Testing for Huntington Disease: Lessons for Genetic Testing Centers and Policy Makers, Marguerite Chapman
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Book Review: The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Redefining America's Wilderness Heritage, by Robert B. Keiter and Mark S. Boyce (eds)., Marla Mansfield
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Standing and Ripeness Revisited: The Supreme Court's "Hypothetical" Barriers, Marla Mansfield
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International Trade and Investment Developments, Rex Zedalis
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Right to Return: A Closer Look, Rex Zedalis
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An International Perspective on Energy, Rex J. Zedalis
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An Economic Justification for Corporate Reorganizations, Charles Adams
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Recent Amendments Affecting Federal Jurisdiction and Venue, Charles Adams
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Gross Income: Items Included, Dennis Bires
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Coase and the Control of Transboundary Pollution: The Sale of Hydroelectricity Under the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement of 1988, Barbara Bucholtz
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Controlling Post-Tenure Scholarship: A Brave New World Beckons?, Bill Hollingsworth
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On the Cusp of Property Rights: Lessons from Public Land Law, Marla Mansfield
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