Control of the Reservation Environment: Tribal Primacy, Federal Delegation, and the Limits of State Intrusion, Judith Royster and R. S. Fausett
64 Wash. L. Rev. 581 (1989).
Teleology, Monocausality, and Marriage in Ulysses, Robert Spoo
English Literary History 56 (1989): 439-462.
Order in the Courts: Resolution of Tribal/State Criminal Jurisdictional Disputes, K. Bliss Adams
24 Tulsa L. J. 89 (1988).
Explorvelopment: A Theoretical Hybrid Looking for Fertile Legal Soil in an Unfertile Economy, Gary Allison
39th Institute on Oil & Gas Law & Taxation 9.1-9.29 (1988).
Overview: Utility Competition-The Work of Hands, Visible and Invisible, Gary Allison
in IX Public Utility Law Anthology xiii, (1988).
Tips for Drafting Contracts, Martin Frey
5 J. of Paralegal Ed. & Practice 55 (1988).
The "Public" in Public Land Appeals: A Case Study in "Reformed" Administrative Law and Proposal for Orderly Participation, Marla Mansfield
12 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 465 (1988).
Affirmative Action: Protecting the Untenured Minority Professor During Extreme Financial Exigency, Johnny Parker
17 N.C. Cent. L.J. 119 (1988).
Fresh Pursuit Onto Native American Reservations: State Rights "to Pursue Savage Hostile Indian Marauders Across the Border", Judith Royster
59 U. Colo. L. Rev. 191 (1988).
Joyce's Attitudes Toward History: Rome, 1906-07, Robert Spoo
Journal of Modern Literature, XIV: 4 (Spring 1988), 481-497.
Liability For Sports Related Injuries, Ray Yasser
appearing in The Law of Professional and Amateur Sports (Clark Boardman, 1988).
Final Offer Arbitration: Time for Serious Consideration by the Courts, Charles Adams
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Note, Labor Law Preemption: Allis-Chalmers v. Lueck, Lyn Entzeroth
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Relief from Express Drilling Obligations in an Uneconomic Market: The Federal Response and the Doctrines of Force Majeure, Impracticability, and the Prudent Operator, Marla E. Mansfield
22 Tulsa L. J. 483 (1987).
Courts and Indians: Sixty-Five Years of Legal Analysis: Bibliography of Periodical Articles Relating to Native American Law, 1922-1986, Judith Royster and R. S. Fausett
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Omar S. Pound, Arabic and Persian Poems in Translation, Robert Spoo
The Antigonish Review, No. 69/70 (1987): 69-71 (book review).
"Una Piccola Nuvoletta": Ferrero's Young Europe and Joyce's Mature Dubliners Stories, Robert Spoo
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Preliminary Thoughts on Some Unresolved Questions Involving the Law of Anticipatory Self-Defense, Rex Zedalis
19 Case W. Res. J. Intl. L. 129 (1987).
The Prorationing of Natural Gas in Oklahoma, Gary Allison
57 U. Col. L. Rev. 169 (1986).
Presenting Business Records as Evidence in Federal Court, Tom Arnold
32 Practical Lawyer 19-34 (1986).
Fiduciary Income Taxation and the Holloway Adjustment, Dennis Bires
3 Akron Tax J. 127 (1986).
The Novation, Martin Frey
Tulsa Lawyer (Jan. 1986).
The Oklahoma Consumer Credit Code–A Primer, Martin Frey
Tulsa Lawyer (May 1986).
The Law of Modern Payment Systems and Notes, Tom L. Holland
21 Tulsa L. J. 610 (1986).
Note, Civil Rights Legislation: Getting Black Executives Off First Base in Professional Team-Sports, Johnny Parker
1986 Colum. Bus. L. Rev. 219.