Public Trusts in Oklahoma, Tom Arnold
19 Tulsa L. J. 192 (1983).
Law Wofford, Real Estate, John Hicks
Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 15 (John Wiley & Sons 1983).
World Population: An Unwishful Assessment, A Hopeful Proposal, Bill Hollingsworth
10 B. C. Env. Affairs L. Rev. 853 (1983).
The Black Athletes' Equal Protection Case Against the NCAA's New Academic Standards, Ray Yasser
19 Gonz. L. Rev. 83 (1983).
Marine Bank v. Weaver : New Guidance On What Is Not A Security, Tom Arnold
53 Okla. B.J. 2199 (1982).
Trial Lawyer Incompetence: What the Studies Suggest about the Problems the Causes and the Cures, Chris Blair
11 Cap. U. L. Rev. 419 (1982).
Pro Se: Fiat for a Small Planet: Tend Your Own Garden First, But Always Be Aware of the Global Landscape, Bill Hollingsworth
10 Student Lawyer 56 (May 1982).
Felix Cohen's Handbook of Federal Indian Law, Vicki Limas
Subchapters: Laws of General Applicability & Tribal Government Rights Ordinances, (rev. ed., Bobbs-Merrill 1982).
Agricultural Trade and Section 22, Rex Zedalis
31 Drake L. Rev. 587 (1981-82).
Some Thoughts on the United Nations Charter and the Use of Military Force Against Economic Coercion, Rex J. Zedalis
17 Tulsa L. J. 487 (1982).
Civil Discovery in Oklahoma: Depositions, Charles W. Adams
17 Tulsa L. J. 179 (1981).
Civil Discovery in Oklahoma: The Discovery Tools , Charles W. Adams
16 Tulsa L. J. 658 (1981).
Gradually Developed Disabilities: A Dilemma for Workers' Compensation, Tom Arnold
15 Akron L. Rev. 13 (1981).
Incorporation of Professionals in Ohio: Past, Present, and Future, Tom Arnold
15 Akron L. Rev. 191 (1981).
Lawyers as Directors of Client Corporations, Tom Arnold
52 Okla. B.J. 1761 (1981).
Professional Corporations in Oklahoma, Tom Arnold
17 Tulsa L. J. 1 (1981).
Detrimental Reliance on a Promise (Promissory Estoppel) in Oklahoma, Martin Frey
52 Okla. B.J. 409 (1981).
Perfecting Security Interests in Motor Vehicles in Oklahoma: If at First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again, Martin Frey
Tulsa Lawyer 15-18 (1981 Annual Law Day Issue).
Military Installations, Structures, and Devices of the Continental Shelf: A Response, Rex Zedalis
75 Am. J. Intl. L. 926 (1981).
Civil Discovery in Oklahoma: General Principles, Charles W. Adams
16 Tulsa L. J. 184 (1980).
Existing and Proposed Regulation of Business Dislocations, Tom Arnold
57 U. Det. J. Urb. L. 209 (1980).
Corporate Officers Beware - Your Signature on a Negotiable Instrument May Be Hazardous to Your Economic Health, Tom Holland
13 Ind. L. Rev. 893 (1980).
Strangulating Hearsay: The Residual Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule, Ray Yasser
11 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 587 (1980).
Disclosure of Foreign Investment in U.S. Agricultural Land, Rex Zedalis
31 Mercer L. Rev. 711 (1980).
Legal Effects of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Agricultural Commodities, Rex Zedalis
10 Denv. J. Int'l. L. & Pol'y 89 (1980).