25 U.S.C. Sec. 71: The End of Indian Sovereignty or a Self-Limitation of Contractual Ability?, G. William Rice
5 Am. Indian L. Rev. 239 (1977).
Defamation As a Constitutional Tort: With Actual Malice for All, Ray Yasser
12 Tulsa L. J. 601 (1977).
Comment, Resurrection of Reynolds: 1974 Amendment to National Defense and Foreign Policy Exemption, Rex Zedalis
4 Pepp. L. Rev. 81 (1977).
Comment, California's New Homestead Law, Charles Adams
64 Cal. L. Rev. 180 (1976).
Note, Civil Procedure: Written Specification of Reasons for New Trial Orders, Charles Adams
64 Cal. L. Rev. 286 (1976).
The Nontariff Trade Barrier Challenge: Development and Distortion in the Age of Interdependence, Gary D. Allison
12 Tulsa L. J. 1 (1976).
The Pill and the Code, Martin Frey
15 J. of Family L. 1 (1976-77).
Flood Control in Oklahoma: An Example of Land Use Preceding Land Use Planning, John Hicks, Georgina B. Landman, and T. W. Ihloff
29 Okla. L. Rev. 16 (1976).
Workmen's Compensation--Emotionally Caused Peptic Ulcer Ruled an Accidental Injury within the Meaning of the Workmen's Compensation Act, Richard Paschal
11 Tulsa L. J. 301 (1975).
A Consumer's Guide to Unconscionable Sales Contracts, Martin Frey
2 Loyola Consumer J. 5-24 (1974).
The Sellers of Labor and Corporate Mergers, James Thomas
48 Notre Dame Lawyer 623 (1973).
The Oklahoma Marketable Record Title Act Introduction, John F. Hicks
9 Tulsa L. J. 68 (1973).
Constitutional Religious Protection: Antiquated Oddity or Vital Reality?, Bill Hollingsworth
34 Ohio St. L.J. 15 (1973).
The Spiraling Food Stamp Program, Martin Frey
3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 285 (1972).
Pre-Adjudication Review of the Social Record in Juvenile Court: A Low Visibility Obstacle to a Fair Process, Martin Frey and Charles Bubany
12 J. of Family L. 391 (1972-73).
The Contractual Nature of Real Property Leases, John Hicks
24 Baylor L. Rev. 443 (1972).
Sec. 1491 - Internal Revenue Code, Charles W. Adams
Charles W. Adams, Sec. 1491 - Internal Revenue Code, 49 TAXES 68 (1971).
The Secret Foreign Bank Account and Legitimate Alternatives, Charles W. Adams
Charles W. Adams, The Secret Foreign Bank Account and Legitimate Alternatives, 49 TAXES 400 (1971).
Intent in Fact, Insanity and Infancy: Elusory Concepts in the Exercise of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction, Martin Frey
9 Cal. W. L. Rev. 273 (1973) (first appeared in 1 Soochow Journal of Literature and Social Science 111 (1971)) .
Trials: Juror's Notes Approved in Oklahoma, Tommy L. Holland
7 Tulsa L. J. 56 (1971).
Student Rights and the Bluefield State College Case, Martin Frey
The J. of College Student Personnel 163 (May 1970).
The Criminal Responsibility of the Juvenile Murderer, Martin Frey
Wash. U. L.Q. 113-133 (1970).
The Evolution of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction and Procedure in Texas, Martin Frey
1 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 209 (1970).
The Right of Counsel in Student Disciplinary Hearings, Martin Frey
5 Val. U. L. Rev. 48 (1970).
Residence Waiting Period Denies Equal Protection, Tommy L. Holland
6 Tulsa L. J. 268 (1970).