Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




Will Article III of the Moon Treaty Improve Existing Law?: A Textual Analysis, Rex Zedalis
5 Suffolk Transnat'l. L.J. 53 (1980).



Judging the Prudence of Constructing Nuclear Power Plants: A Report to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Gary D. Allison
15 Tulsa L. J. 262 (1979).


The Right of an Indigent Defendant to an Interpreter in a Civil Trial: Jara v. Municipal Court, Marianne Blair
40 Ohio St. L.J. 663 (1979).


Fundamental Interests and the Question of Same-Sex Marriage, Catherine M. Cullem
15 Tulsa L. J. 141 (1979).


Sex-Based Discrimination in Oklahoma Statutes, Martin Frey
50 Okla. B.J. 421 (1979).

The Journey from Ex Parte Crow Dog to Littlechief: A Survey of Tribal Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction in Western Oklahoma, G. William Rice
6 Am. Indian L. Rev. 1 (1979).


The Mythology of the Oklahoma Indians: A Survey of the Legal Status of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma, G. William Rice
6 Am. Indian L. Rev. 259 (1979).


Federal Communications Commission v. National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting: The Ultimate Media Hype, Ray Yasser
67 Ky. L.J. 903 (1978-79).

Development of Antarctica, Rex Zedalis
73 Am. Society of Internatl. Law Annual Proceedings 264-294 (1979).


Military Uses of Ocean Space and the Developing International Law of the Sea: An Analysis in the Context of Peacetime ASW, Rex Zedalis
16 San Diego L. Rev. 575 (1979).


'Peaceful Purposes' and Other Relevant Provisions of the Revised Composite Negotiating Text: A Comparative Analysis of the Existing and the Proposed Military Regime for the High Seas, Rex Zedalis
7 Syracuse J. Intl. L. & Com. 1 (1979).



Homestead Legislation in California, Charles Adams
Charles W. Adams, Homestead Legislation in California , 9 PAC. L. J. 723 (1978).


Note, Board of Education, Levittown Union Free School District v. Nyquist: A Return to Federal Equal Protection in School Financing Cases, Dennis Bires
8 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 87-120 (1978-79).


Biorhythms and Law School Performance, Martin Frey
29 J. of Legal Ed. 470 (1978).


Forum Introduction, Kent Frizzell
13 Tulsa L. J. 661 (1978).

Natural Resources Lawyer, John Hicks
Quarterly J. of the ABA Sec. of Natural Resource Law (1973-78).

New and Significant Decisions-The Interest Groups Involved in the Planning and Zoning Process, John Hicks
chapter in Proceedings of the Institute on Planning, Zoning, and Eminent Domain, 1-38 (Matthew Bender 1978).


Holder in Due Course: The FTC Rule Preserving Consumer's Claims and Defenses, Tom Holland
95 Banking L. J. 789 (1978).


Law School Admissions: A Nontraditional Approach, Ray Yasser
49 Okla. B. J. 1426-1428 (1978).

Law of the Sea after the Fourth and Fifth New York Sessions, Report of the World Ass'n of Lawyers Comm. on the Law of the Seas, Rex Zedalis
Manila Conference on the Law of the World, Aug. 21-26, 1977.

United States: Consent Orders in Unfair Trade Practice Cases, Rex Zedalis
12 J. World Trade L. 85 (1978).


Anti-Satellite Weapons and the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, Rex Zedalis and Catherine Wade
8 Cal. W. Intl. L. J. 454 (1978).



Javorek v. Larson: Insurer's Obligation to Defend and Indemnify Insufficient to Establish Jurisdiction--Seider Sours in California, James P. George
12 Tulsa L. J. 731 (1977).


Surface Water Flooding in Urban Areas: Rights and Remedies under the Common-Enemy Doctrine, James P. George
12 Tulsa L. J. 574 (1977).


An Analysis of the Legal Problems Resulting from Wrongful Dishonors, Tom Holland
42 Mo. L. Rev. 507 (1977).