Articles, Chapters in Books and Other Contributions to Scholarly Works | University of Tulsa College of Law




James Joyce’s Letters to Ezra Pound: Alliances, Patronage, and Gifting, Robert Spoo
in James Joyce’s Correspondence, an online, open-access project (Antwerp, Belgium: University of Antwerp, 2021.)

Oscar Wilde, Man of Law, Robert Spoo
in The New Modernist Studies Reader: An Anthology of Essential Criticism, eds. Sean Latham and Gayle Rogers (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021), 334-52.


T. S. Eliot's Enclosures to Emily Hale: Three Uncollected James Joyce Letters, Robert Spoo
58 James Joyce Quarterly 343 (2021).



Dustbowl Waters: Doctrinal and Legislative Solutions to Save the Ogallala Aquifer before both Time and Water Run Out, Warigia M. Bowman
Warigia M. Bowman, Dustbowl Waters: Doctrinal and Legislative Solutions to Save the Ogallala Aquifer before Both Time and Water Run Out, 91 U. COLO. L. REV. 1081 (2020).


Dust in the Wind: Regulation as an Essential Component of a Sustainable and Robust Wind Program, Warigia M. Bowman
Warigia M. Bowman, Dust in the Wind: Regulation as an Essential Component of a Sustainable and Robust Wind Program, 69 U. KAN. L. REV. 45 (2020).


Rights Should Not Vary Based on Offense Severity, Russell L. Christopher
55 Wake Forest L. Rev. 985 (2020).


Unconditional Coercion and Positive Autonomy, Russell L. Christopher
73 Okla. L. Rev. 159 (2020).


Criminal Law and/as Political Theory, Stephen R. Galoob
55 Tulsa L. Rev. 203 (2020).


Motives and Fiduciary Loyalty, Stephen R. Galoob and Ethan J. Leib
Stephen R. Galoob & Ethan J. Leib, Motives and Fiduciary Loyalty, 65 AM. J. JURIS. 41 (2020).


Scaling Commercial Law in Indian Country, Marc L. Roark
MARC L. ROARK, Scaling Commercial Law in Indian Country, 8 Tex. A&M L. Rev. 89 (2020).

Legal Paratexts, Robert Spoo
in The Oxford Handbook of Law and Humanities, eds. Simon Stern, Maksymilian Del Mar and Bernadette Meyler (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).



Oklahoma’s State Question 780: Criminal Justice Reform and Resistance, Stephen R. Galoob, Colleen McCarty, and Ryan Gentzler
Stephen R. Galoob, Colleen McCarty & Ryan Gentzler, Oklahoma's State Question 780: Criminal Justice Reform and Resistance, 31 FED. SENT'g REP. 182 (2019).


Freedom to Hack, Ido Kilovaty
80 Ohio St. L. J. (2019).


Legally Cognizable Manipulation, Ido Kilovaty
34 Berkeley Tech. L. J. (2019).


Legitimate Medicine in the Age of Consumerism, Matt Lamkin
Matt Lamkin, Legitimate Medicine in the Age of Consumerism, 53 UC DAVIS L. REV. 385 (2019).


Detecting and Preventing Insurance Fraud: State of the Nation in Review, Johnny C. Parker
Johnny Parker, Detecting and Preventing Insurance Fraud: State of the Nation in Review, 52 CREIGHTON L. REV. 293 (2019).



Measuring Law School Clinics, Anna E. Carpenter, Colleen F. Shanahan, Jeffrey Selbin, and Alyx Mark
92 Tul. L. Rev. 547 (2018).


Studying the "New" Civil Judges, Anna E. Carpenter, Jessica K. Steinberg, Colleen F. Shanahan, and Alyx Mark
2018 Wisc. L. Rev. 249 (2018).


Appointed Counsel and Jury Trial: The Rights that Undermine the Other Rights, Russell L. Christopher
75 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 703 (2018).


Climbing the Mountain of Criminal Procedure: Comparative Legal Procedure, Stephen R. Galoob
Stephen R. Galoob, Climbing the Mountain of Criminal Procedure: Comparative Legal Procedure, 66 AM. J. COMP. L. 936 (2018).


Kolber's Teaser, Stephen R. Galoob
Stephen Galoob, Kolber's Teaser, 2018 U. ILL. L. REV. ONLINE 168 (2018).


Fiduciary Loyalty, Inside and Out, Stephen R. Galoob and Ethan J. Leib
Stephen R. Galoob & Ethan J. Leib, Fiduciary Loyalty, inside and out, 92 S. CAL. L. REV. 69 (2018).


Physician as Double Agent — Conflicting Duties Arising from Employer-Sponsored Wellness Programs, Matt Lamkin
379 N. Eng. J. Med. 1297 (2018).

Avoiding Exploitation in Phase I Clinical Trials: More than (Un)Just Compensation, Matt Lamkin and Carl Elliott
46 J. L. Med & Ethics 52 (2018).


The Novel and the Law, Robert Spoo
in The Cambridge Companion to the Novel (Eric Bulson, ed., 2018).