Tulsa Law Review
(2017) Volume 53, Number 1 (2017)
Front Matter
Fighting Rape Culture With Noncorroboration Instructions
Tyler J. Buller
How Science Can Improve Regulation: Noise Control in Urban Areas
Luis Inaraja Vera
Incomplete Agreements on Trade in Services: Causes and Problems - Applying Incomplete Contract Theory
Tae Jung Park

2017-18 editorial board
The editorial board may be contacted at tlr@utulsa.edu
- Editor in Chief: M. Dalton Downing
- Executive Editor: Hope Forsyth
- Notes & Comments Research Editor: Kymberli Heckenkepmer
- Production Editor: Chase Winterberg
- Articles Research Editors: Amanda Gibson, Melissa Revell, Emalie Rott, Randall Young
- Managing Editor: Alexander Lemke
- Executive IT Editors: John Farley, Steve Pontius
- Supervising Editors: Colin Byrne, Blair Hand, Vanessa Lock, Matt Primm, Trey Purdom, Alexandra Simmons
- Staff Editors: Austin Hilterbran, Casey Johnson, Morgan Johnson, Caleb Jones, Mike Shouse
- Associate Editors: Demi Allen, Alec Bracken, Cordal Cephas, Alexandra Dossman, Meghan Drake, Matt George, Joshua Hansen, Dallas Jones, Scott Major, Allison Martuch, Robert McClendon, Sarah McManes, Laurie Mehrwein, Madison Mosier, Lacy Pulliam, James Rayment, Violet Rush, Brent Smith, Clint Summers, Samantha Tober, Houston Wells
- Faculty Advisor: Stephen R. Galoob
The editorial board may be contacted at tlr@utulsa.edu