TU Law Digital Commons - Symposia and Conferences: Panel I: Museums and Indians: Over 200 Years of Native American Art and Culture at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts

Event Title

Panel I: Museums and Indians: Over 200 Years of Native American Art and Culture at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts

Presenter Information

Karen Kramer Russell

Streaming Media

Start Date

15-5-2009 10:00 AM

End Date

15-5-2009 10:30 AM


Prof. Karen Kramer Russell, Associate Curator of Native American Art and Cultures, discusses the Peabody Essex Museum.

May 15th, 10:00 AM May 15th, 10:30 AM

Panel I: Museums and Indians: Over 200 Years of Native American Art and Culture at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts

Prof. Karen Kramer Russell, Associate Curator of Native American Art and Cultures, discusses the Peabody Essex Museum.