Symposia and Conferences | Lectures and Videos | University of Tulsa College of Law


The College of Law hosts symposia on a variety of subjects every year. Past symposia have honored respected legal scholars and discussed current Native American legal issues.

Browse the contents of Symposia and Conferences:

Order With or Without Law
Norms, Communities, Private Enforcers
OIl and Gas in the 21st Century
A two-day interdisciplinary conference, Thursday, April 7, and Friday, April 8, exploring the question of whether production and consumption of oil and gas will peak during the 21st century because of diminishing oil and gas resources or competition from energy efficiency and other energy sources.
2013: Health Law Policy - Honoring the Work of Einer Elhauge
2012: Honoring the Work of Heather Gerken - "Not Your Father's Federalism"
2011: Honoring the Work of Aharon Barak
2010: Native American Law Symposium: International Law: Future Impacts on the Tribal-Federal Relationship
2009: Native American Law Symposium: Exhibiting Culture- Museums & Indians
2009: Honoring the Work of Richard A. Epstein
2008: What About Federalism? States' Rights and the New State Immigration Laws