TU Law Digital Commons - Symposia and Conferences: In Memoriam of Professor Zeev Segal

Event Title

In Memoriam of Professor Zeev Segal

Presenter Information

Ariel Bendor

Streaming Media

Start Date

25-3-2011 8:45 AM

End Date

25-3-2011 8:50 AM


In memoriam of Prof. Zeev Segal, Professor Ariel Bendor reads from the paper Prof. Segal prepared, Judicial Activism Vis-a-Vis Judicial Restraint: An Israeli Viewpoint.

Mar 25th, 8:45 AM Mar 25th, 8:50 AM

In Memoriam of Professor Zeev Segal

In memoriam of Prof. Zeev Segal, Professor Ariel Bendor reads from the paper Prof. Segal prepared, Judicial Activism Vis-a-Vis Judicial Restraint: An Israeli Viewpoint.