Tribal Governmental Gaming Law: Cases and Materials
Tribal Governmental Gaming Law: Cases and Materials is a law school casebook and compilation of primary source materials setting out the federal laws which regulate gaming conducted by various Indian tribal governments. The casebook includes the National Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, the Committee Report, and attorney opinions from the Office of General Counsel of the National Indian Gaming Commission. Beginning with the early case law which led to the development of the Indian gaming industry, major sections of the work address such issues as Gaming Management Contracts, the distinctions between Class II and Class III gaming, Tribal-State gaming compacts, the acquisition of land for tribal gaming facilities, and various other issues related to the Indian gaming industry. The text contains or refers to virtually every significant Indian gaming law case from the United States Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court. The cases are carefully edited and arranged by the issues litigated and, when relevant, by circuit.
Publication Date
Carolina Acadmeic Press
Gaming Law | Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Rice, G. William, "Tribal Governmental Gaming Law: Cases and Materials" (2006). Books. 34.