International Family Law: Conventions, Statutes, and Regulatory Materials
This paperback book was created to assist American law students and attorneys who are studying or practicing international family law. It was designed to supplement any U.S. law course on private or public international family law, whether the course utilizes the authors' own casebook or other materials. The book contains the principal global and regional multilateral conventions and human rights declarations pertinent to familial rights, obligations, and conflicts, edited for educational use. The book also includes selected U.S. federal statutes and regulations related to international family law matters, as well as the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement.
Publication Date
Carolina Acadmeic Press
Recommended Citation
Blair, Marianne and Weiner, Merle H., "International Family Law: Conventions, Statutes, and Regulatory Materials" (2010). Books. 20.