H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), Kora and Ka
Written by H.D. in 1930 and only published in a 100-copy edition for friends in 1934, Kora and Ka marked a new level of intensity in the poet's experiments with prose fiction. The two long stories contained in this volume, "Kora and Ka" and "Mira-Mare," are at once profoundly autobiographical yet, through H.D.'s unusual brand of modernist story-telling, pushed beyond personality. The men and women who haunt these tales are wraiths in spiritual exile, wanderers in a Europe still recovering from the devastations of World War I. Her descriptions of the beaches at Monte Carlo are triumphs of vivid detail––bright watercolors set against brooding psychological portraits. In its exploration of the "broken dualities" of self and civilization, Kora and Ka looks forward to H. D.'s masterpieces, Tribute to Freud and Trilogy.
Publication Date
New Directions
Recommended Citation
Spoo, Robert, "H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), Kora and Ka" (1996). Books. 17.