Content Posted in 2024
A Brief History of Indirect Liability for Patent Infringement, Charles W. Adams
Academic Freedom and Professorial Speech in the Post-Garcetti World, Oren R. Griffin
Accommodating the Learning Disabled Student On Campus, Oren R. Griffin
Adapting to Change in the Legal Profession, Janet Levit, Valerie K. Couch, and Joseph Harroz Jr.
Administrative Law: A Contemporary Approach, Gwendolyn Savitz, Andrew F. Popper, Anthony E. Varona, and Mark C. Niles
AI-Based Evidence in Criminal Trials?, Sabine Gless, Frederic Lederer, and Thomas Weigend
All in: A Proposal for Uniform Homeschool Access to Public School Extracurriculars in Texas and Similar "Half-way" States, Matthew Amunrud
Allocating Patent Rights Between Earlier and Later Inventions, Charles W. Adams
American Squatter, Marc L. Roark
A View of Campus Safety Law in Higher Education and the Merits of Enterprise Risk Management, Oren R. Griffin
Beyond Chalk and Talk: The Law Classroom of the Future, Oren R. Griffin and Karen J. Sneddon
Book Review: Transitional Justice in Established Democracies: A Political Theory, Stephen R. Galoob
Case Notes: State v. Jackson: Warning - Roadblock Ahead! Louisiana Creates Log Jam of Search and Seizure Analysis, Marc L. Roark
Chapter 6: Resilient Property Theory, Marc L. Roark and Lorna Fox O'Mahony
Chapter 7: Scaling Property Law, Marc L. Roark and Lorna Fox O'Mahony
Climbing the Mountain of Criminal Procedure: Comparative Legal Procedure, Stephen R. Galoob
Column: Higher Education Environments Affected by Oklahoma's Abortion Desert, Janet Levit
Column: Post-Roe World is Not Really About Protecting the 'Unborn', Janet Levit
Comparative Property Law and the Pandemic: Vulnerability Theory and Resilient Property in an Age of Crises, Marc L. Roark and Lorna Fox O'Mahony
Confronting the Evolving Safety and Security Challenge at Colleges and Universities, Oren R. Griffin
Constructing a Legal and Managerial Paradigm Applicable to the Modern-Day Safety and Security Challenge at Colleges and Universities, Oren R. Griffin
Consumer Willingness-To-Pay for a Resilient Electrical Grid, Warigia M. Bowman, Dayton M. Lambert, Joseph T. Ripberger, Hank Jenkins-Smith, Carol L. Silva, Michael A. Long, Kuhika Gupta, and Andrew Fox
Cut the Cap: Proposing Further Change to Oklahoma's Repair and Deduct Statute, Jacy Holbrook
Detecting and Preventing Insurance Fraud: State of the Nation in Review, Johnny C. Parker
Digital Development in East Africa: The Distribution, Diffusion, and Governance of Information Technology, Warigia M. Bowman
Drug Dealing and the Internal Morality of Medicine, Matt Lamkin
Dustbowl Waters: Doctrinal and Legislative Solutions to Save the Ogallala Aquifer before both Time and Water Run Out, Warigia M. Bowman
Dust in the Wind: Regulation as an Essential Component of a Sustainable and Robust Wind Program, Warigia M. Bowman
Employment Discrimination in Higher Education, Oren R. Griffin and Thomas P. Hustoles
Energy Sovereignty for Native American Nations: The Model Tribal Energy Code, Philip H. Viles Jr. and W. Gregory Guedel
Entertaining and Embracing Professional Identity Development in the 1L Legal Writing Curriculum, Charles W. Oldfield
Evidentiary Use (And Misuse) Of The Civil Defendant's Financial Status, Karen M. Grundy
Fiduciary Loyalty, Inside and Out, Stephen R. Galoob and Ethan J. Leib
From Briefs to Bytes: How Generative AI is Transforming Legal Writing and Practice, Joe Regalia
Garfield v. Allen: The Cat is Out of the Bag, K. McKenzie Wilson Corley
Governance, Technology, and the Search for Modernity in Kenya, Warigia M. Bowman
"Hi, is This Item Still Available?": Social Media as a Marketplace for Human Skeletal Remains, Cameron Skinner
Homelessness at the Cathedral, Marc L. Roark
How to Support Students in Anti-Abortion States: Four Things College Leaders Can Do Now, Janet Levit
Human Impact Statements, Marc L. Roark
Immigration and the 2016 Presidential Election, Elizabeth M. McCormick
Investigating College Student Misconduct: Understanding the Internal Investigation Process in Higher Education, Oren R. Griffin
Kolber's Teaser, Stephen R. Galoob
Legitimate Medicine in the Age of Consumerism, Matt Lamkin
Loneliness and the Law: Solitude, Action, and Power in the Law and Literature, Marc L. Roark
Magna Carta and the Definition of Fundamental Rights, Joshua C. Tate
Motives and Fiduciary Loyalty, Stephen R. Galoob and Ethan J. Leib
Music of the Law: A Wigmorian Playlist for a Modern Era, Joseph Hummel
Oklahoma Criminal Justice Panel on Sentencing Reform, William G. Otis, Danny Williams, Trent Shores, Stephen A. Kunzweiler, Tim Harris, Jill Webb, Adam Luck, Marvin Lizama, and Damario Solomon-Simmons
Oklahoma Criminal Law and Procedure with Forms, Stephen R. Galoob, David Dossman, and Brian Boeheim
Oklahoma’s State Question 780: Criminal Justice Reform and Resistance, Stephen R. Galoob, Colleen McCarty, and Ryan Gentzler
On Proper[ty] Apologies and Resilience Gaps, Marc L. Roark
Opening the Barbarians Gate or Watching the Barbarians from the Coliseum: A Requiem on the Nomos of the Louisiana Civil Law, Marc L. Roark
Operationalising Progressive Ideas About Property: Resilient Property, Scale, and Systemic Compromise, Marc L. Roark and Lorna Fox O'Mahony
Opinion: A Year Spent Teaching Reproductive Rights Law Gets Beyond Rhetoric, Janet Levit
Opinion: Latest Oklahoma Supreme Court Abortion Ruling an Important First Step, Janet Levit
Opinion: Oklahoma Re-Victimizing 4,529 Rape Survivors by Providing Them Few Abortion Options, Janet Levit
Property as an Asset of Resilience: Rethinking Ownership, Communities and Exclusion Through the Register of Resilience, Marc L. Roark and Lorna Fox O'Mahony
Real Property Transactions in the Network Society: Platform Real Estate, Housing Hactivism, and the Re-scaling of Public and Private Power, Marc L. Roark and Lorna Fox O'Mahony
Reassessing Administrative Finality: The Importance of New Evidence and Changed Circumstances, Gwendolyn Savitz
Rebooting the Supreme Court, Benjamin J. Priester
Recent Developments in Federal Appellate Practice and Procedure, Karen M. Grundy
Resilient Cities and the Housing Trust, Marc L. Roark and Lorna Fox O'Mahony
Restrict the Recruitment of Involuntarily Committed Patients for Psychiatric Research, Matt Lamkin and Carl Elliott
Retelling English Sovereignty, Marc L. Roark
Saints, Satanists, and Religious Public Charter Schools, Allen Rostron
Scaling Commercial Law in Indian Country, Marc L. Roark
Sec. 1491 - Internal Revenue Code, Charles W. Adams
Slavery, Property, and Marshall in the Positivist Legal Tradition, Marc L. Roark
Social Security Disability Law and the Obstacles Facing Claimants With Mental Disabilities, Oren R. Griffin
Squatting and the State: Resilient Property in an Age of Crisis, Marc L. Roark
Tape Recording Conversations - Is It Ethical for Attorneys?, Charles W. Adams
The Automation Paradox, Mbilike M. Mwafulirwa
The Constitution as Idea: Describing - Defining - Deciding in Kelo, Marc L. Roark
The Demise of 'Roe' Will Weaken American Colleges, Janet Levit
The Impact of "Fair Use" in the Higher Education Community: A Necessary Exception?, Oren R. Griffin and Stephana I. Colbert
The Interpretive Project and the Problem of Legitimacy, Barbara K. Bucholtz
The Proper Structure of Dormant Commerce Clause Review, R. Randall Kelso
The Secret Foreign Bank Account and Legitimate Alternatives, Charles W. Adams
The Supreme Court Decision on Federal Prescribing Rules for Controlled Substances, Matt Lamkin
The Teach Act: Recognizing Its Challenges and Overcoming Its Limitations, Oren R. Griffin and Stephana I. Colbert
The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act: A Well Built Fence or Barbed Wire around the Intellectual Commons, Warigia M. Bowman
The Uniform Laws Committee: 1994-1997 Activities, Charles Adams
The Unintended Consequences of Torture's Ineffectiveness, Russell Christopher
Under-Propertied Persons, Marc L. Roark
Women, the Law, and Sexual Assault: Why the Model Penal Code's Ordinary Resolution Standard Furthers Victim Blaming, Hillary Hurst